Travel Tips

The more you know about traveling in Guyana, the more prepared you’ll be when you arrive.


Guyana’s climate is equatorial; hot but pleasant for most of the year. The heat is tempered by the sea breezes on the coast. An Umbrella is useful during the two wet seasons, extending roughly through May and June and from December to the end of January. Rainfall approximates at 2,300mm per year in Georgetown. The temperature on the coast-land ranges from 20 degrees centigrade with a mean temperature of 26.8 degree centigrade. In the interior it is between 18.3 degree centigrade and 39.4 degree centigrade with a mean of 28.3 degree centigrade.


The Guyana Dollar with a fluctuating exchange rate of:

USD(1) $200.00
POUNDS(1) $365.00
EURO(1) $265.00
CDN(1) $200.00

Cambios are licensed currency exchange houses. Most cambios are open from 8:00hrs to 17:00hrs and on Sundays 8:00hrs to 16:00hrs. It is important that you keep your cambios receipt, you will need to produce them to change Guyanese dollars on departure.

Credit Card

Major credit cards and travelers cheques are accepted by most hotels, restaurants, supermarkets, car rental agencies and tour operators. Credit cards with CIRRUS and/or PLUS mark can be used at any Scotia Bank ATM machines in Guyana.


Driving or riding in Guyana are done on the left lane. Before you start enjoying the fun of driving in Guyana, you must obtain a drivers permit which is issued by the Inland Revenue Department- License Revenue Division located on Smyth & Princess Streets in Georgetown. The permit is valid for 30-days but ensure that you take a valid driver’s license or an international driver’s license when applying. Always wear a helmet when riding and your seat belt when driving this is a requirement by law.

Shopping hours

8:30hrs – 16:00hrs on weekdays (17:00hrs on Fridays)
8:30hrs – 12:00hrs on Saturdays
Most supermarket are opened from 8:30hrs -18:00hrs on weekdays, 8:30hrs – 19:00hrs on
Saturdays and 10:00hrs-14:00hrs on Sundays.
Markets are usually opened on Saturdays. Stabroek and Bourda markets are usually busy all day 24hrs per day.
Shops around the country normally open from 7:00hrs – 18:00 hrs
Bars usually from 18:00hrs-24:00hrs(midnight)
Night Clubs usually from 20:00hrs-02:00hrs

For more information visit our website: Evergreen Adventures




Trans Guyana Airways ramps up response to COVID-19 pandemic

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Beechcraft journey to Guyana

Our Beechcraft 1900D was purchased in New Zealand and then flown 25,000 KM, half way around the world to Guyana.

Prince Harry’s Visit

Prince Harry, received quite a grand welcome to Guyana earlier today when he arrived at the Eugene F Correia airport.

Our mission

To provide safe and reliable air transport services to our customers in Guyana and around the region.

TGA is proud of its reputation for providing our customers with a superior service dedicated to safety, reliability and customer service as our first priority.




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+592 222 2525

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Eugene F. Correia International Airport, Ogle East Coast Demerara, Guyana